Greenscape Selected As Partner For Solar For All, Single Family Net Metered Systems Program

Greenscape was recently selected to be one of the service providers for DC’s Solar for All, Single Family Net Metered Systems Program. The District Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE)’s “Solar for All” program, which kicked off in 2016, is designed to decrease energy costs for thousands of low-income DC families. The DCSEU will implement a new round of “Solar for All” initiatives starting in 2019 with $32 million in total funding available over three years. The DCSEU is pursuing developers to build community renewable energy facilities (CREFs), known as community solar, as well as contractors to install solar systems on approximately 100 income-qualified DC households annually.
As a partner, Greenscape will identify, design, install, commission, operate, and maintain fully integrated and operational photovoltaic (PV) electric generation systems on the roofs of single-family residences of
income-qualified property owners or tenants located in the District of Columbia.
The DCSEU’s “Solar for All” work is expected to benefit up to 6,800 income-qualified DC households in total.
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