Greenscape Selected As DGS Development of Solar Power Generation Systems Projects Contractor
Greenscape has been selected as one of ten (10) District contractors to provide Development of Solar Power Generations Systems Projects on behalf of the Department of General Services. As a contractorThis is a great honor as it will allow our company to push forward with the Mayor’s goal to be 100% renewable by 2032 further supporting District communities. We look forward to our work with DGS. Stay tuned for updates.
As a selected PV Developer, Greenscape will in general be authorized to provide turn-key solar system development, including design, construction, interconnection, operation, maintenance, community solar program operations, and PPA administration for the purpose of deploying renewable energy to combat climate change, creating innovation, and realizing long-term cost savings.
Ultimately, Greenscape will assist the Department in meeting its’ goal to both reduce its energy consumption from existing energy sources and to lower its overall energy costs.