Greenscape Selected By DOEE/DCSEU To Implement DC’s Low-Income Decarbonization Pilot Program
Greenscape was recently selected by the DC Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) and the District of Columbia Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) to “decarbonize” residential buildings in the District by eliminating oil or natural gas systems and appliances through the Low-Income Decarbonization Pilot Program.
The pilot program seeks to reduce the carbon emissions of approximately 15 income-qualified single-family homes by incorporating solar PV systems through the Solar for All program while also replacing natural gas or oil systems with electric systems in each home.
The work performed on each home by Greenscape will be at no cost to the resident and could include:
- Replacement of natural gas or fuel oil heating systems with electric air-source heat pumps
- Pre- and post-project comprehensive home energy audits
- Weatherization and airsealing of the home
- Installation of LED lighting and smart thermostat
- If funding is available, replacement of other fossil-fuel burning systems with electric systems, including:
- Hot water heater
- Gas stove/range/oven
- Gas-powered clothes dryer
- Installation of solar onsite or community solar credits through the Solar for All program